density x self-improvement
Dedicated to the optimization of soft skills and human capital, the soft-space dilutes all distinctions between public and private, domestic and professional. The entirety of social activities is valued, analyzed and quantified. Practiced sports, films seen, group activities and lived experiences thus contribute to improving the skills and abilities of each individual. Eager to enhance their employability, they find in the soft-space an opportunity to maximize their life experience(s).
Through its ability to quantify and measure interactions and activities, the soft-space offers its occupants the fundamental tool through which to stand out. By highlighting, in real time, their strengths and weaknesses, it guarantees to each and every one greater control over the behaviors to adopt. Calling upon repetition and redundancy, space acts as a catalyst for human activity, with a multitude of commodities organized in an artificialized and controlled environment.
The soft-space does not accept any forms of oppression. All activities are practiced in a cheerful atmosphere, where competition is manifested in a spirit of emulation and mutual aid. However, in order to optimize built-up footprint and each individual’s time, life is amplified. The intensification of encounters, interactions and experiences results from a double process of densification: the physical space is condensed by a subtle game of scale, while the circadian rhythm is accelerated - the system’s densification limit resulting from the resilience limit of the human metabolism.
Mother, Sense (US), 2014
text (fr)