souvenirs from home
artificialization x customization
Shaped by the desires of its inhabitants, the soft-space fully artificializes the sensory experience of space. Attractive, playful, and free of any temporal reference, it appropriates the logics of material consumerism. The architectural typologies of gaming houses and consumption palaces of a past economic model are revived with Integral Interconnection. Within a domesticated architecture, physical goods become experiences, display windows are turned into consumables, and the diorama takes revenge on cinema.
Through the Integral Interconnection of bodies, objects and materials, any sensory environment can be approximated, stored and translated into physical quantities. Regulated and artificial, the diorama sustains a perceptive simulacrum reflecting the profile of its user, their memories and their desires. In a space customizable at will, the inhabitant can then afford the pleasure of a renewed environment. From the desire of goods to the consumption of desire; from memory to commodity.
Deriving from the past, memories can only be reproduced in an artificialized space at the expense of their authenticity. As the only possible outcome to the relentless artificialization of memories, their monetization fosters the circulation and sharing of individual experiences. Following the law of supply and demand, their rental amount fluctuates continuously: according to the price they are willing to pay, each inhabitant will be able to enjoy the experience of others with a rate of accuracy and fidelity ranging from 0.1 to 100%.
Hue BR30, Philips (NL), 2015