public space4free
land use x virtualization
The soft-space embodies the victory of the public over the private. To the public space constrained by private property and physical materiality has been substituted the ideal of a continuous public space. The commonly perceived physical world has become virtual, subjective and individualized.
The private physical space has been reduced to its bare minimum, with each unit of optimal comfort including all the commodities necessary to physical subsistence. Embracing the spatial optimization of a bygone modernism, each building is composed of two rows of back-to-back cells unfolding on an indeterminate height. On either side, the facades host a multitude of lifts whose horizontal - and vertical - movement allows personal and immediate access to each private space.
The soft-space restores the landscape to its state of nature: the landscape becomes territory anew. Devoid of any attempt for development or planning, the natural space asserts itself as a physical environment in which only the sensory experience of the environment subsists.
A paradoxical space in the sense that its physical condition is opposed to its virtual one, a space of possibilities and a space of spaces, the virtual world forms a whole with physical reality. Through virtuality, the soft-space domesticates and privatizes the veracity of a territory: each square meter hosts a multiplicity of realities, of uses and of situations, of which the existence intrinsically relates to its ability to be privatized. From the dream become reality of a free environment disentangled from any property, has been grafted the one of a virtual space subject to the laws of the market.
Hololens, Microsoft (US), 2016